Thursday, May 24, 2012

My New Obsession

I've counted three hummingbirds so far this season...a mature male, a mature female, and one fledgling I think.  I take my binoculars outside after I come home from work and sit near the feeder.  They don't seem to mind me and the dogs, cats and sheep hanging around.  That must be some terrific nectar as the little dive bombers are constantly sipping.  I have to read up on how often to change the nectar.  I was an avid bird watcher for many years in NJ, but, surprisingly, only remember seeing one hummingbird.  Central New York is a hummingbird paradise.  Lucky me.

1 comment:

  1. Linda in Waterloo11:39 PM

    Cornell has a good ornithology website. I got the nectar recipe from them.


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