Wednesday, May 23, 2012

All Bound Up

Strings from feed sacks and baling twine are a real problem around the barn.  They must be picked up and properly disposed of or they cause problems.  This little hen was sitting in the barn in an awkward place by the milk room door.  I thought she might have chicks under her for the night and left her alone.  Knut came along and she moved over a little and I saw no beaks peaking out from under the warmth.  I decided to pick her up and check her out and look what I found.  This poor chicken was hobbled by string that was wrapped around both her legs and holding them together.  One leg was really altered by the string that had been on there for some time.  I held her while Matt carefully cut the string off.  It will take her some time to get her chicken legs back, but I think she will be fine.  In the meantime I continue my vigil of picking up and string or twine I see around the farm.

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