Thursday, April 26, 2012

True Colors Like A Rainbow

I know, I know....Cyndi Lauper sings that.  I adore her.  I also adore the big boxes that were waiting for me when I pulled in from school today.  All my hard work raising that wool and mohair has come back to me in lovely one pound balls of carded wool, mohair and angora.   I'm so thrilled with the way it came out.  The Bluefaced Leicester is oh, so soft.  The mohair blended with it adds such a silky softness and lovely slip for spinning.  Mohair wears like iron and makes sock yarn so strong that your heels won't wear out.  I just love the stuff.  John from Frankenmuth sent me a lovely celery-chartreuse run that I gave him last year and forgot about - manna from heaven!  I'm so excited about putting this gorgeous fiber out at Maryland Sheep and Wool, which is one short week from now.  Don't know how I'm going to pull this all together...but I say that every year, and somehow I do it.  Kimmie Cornerstone is coming from Kingston, Ontario to help me out.  She's a one-woman Army who will help me get all this soap wrapped and labelled, and put my booth together.   Maryland only comes once a year - the Holy Pilgrimage of the Wool People.  Yes, Wool is the Mother of All Fibers. 


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I just has to wipe the drool from the keyboard -ohmy gosh is that yummy or what!!!!!!
    Can't wait to see/fondle/spin it in person :)
    Kim and the crew

  2. Can't wait to try some! Hope you sell out at Maryland!

  3. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I can feel the softness through the picture - glorious roving, much success to you in Maryland. Suzy

  4. Beautiful wool! Good luck at MD fair!

  5. I may be able to come to MSWF-but not till Sun afternoon, I hope there's some roving and soap left!

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I hope some of this wonderful wool is still here in September for Hemlock.

  7. Dear Maggie,
    I am coming back to the pictures of the beautiful rainbow-colored wool and am contemplating whether to drive to Maryland to buy some, even though I do not know how to knit (or felt)!


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