Saturday, April 28, 2012

Too Much Too Doo

How wonderful that I'm getting calls and orders for the Lipstick roving I got back from the mill last week.  Gotta love that red.  I like it myself, even though it's a challenge to dye.  Red wool needs a lot of dye and extra citric acid to make it "stick."  Even then you lose a lot in the rinse water.  Bluefaced Leicester felts if you look at it, and it's tough to rinse all the fiber without getting some felting.  Every strand is precious with the Blues, who don't produce a very heavy fleece to begin with.  I'm thinking I won't be coming back from Maryland with any Lipstick roving left over.  On deck for to Hamilton to pick up Susanne Farrington's fabulous mugs for my shaving cups.  Luckily I have 15 brushes, which are prohibitively expensive to purchase but they are good brushes, waiting for mugs.  I don't sell a whole heck of a lot of shaving mugs, but the people who have purchased them before invariably come back for another one for a friend or for themselves.  I have another Bundaflicka tote on the machine, and a few that need bottom boards sewn in.  This is Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme weekend, which is always a big deal and requires much organization and a very "fresh" Maggie.  I stand on my feet for hours running the food processor and packing every little jar by hand.  It's a labor of love with lavender essential oil wafting all around me, contributing to my "zen-like state."  Tomorrow is Mother Fiber Needle Felting Fiber Pack day, which requires ferreting out all the odds and ends of roving and scattered locks for collating into a color pallet that a needle felter would enjoy.  I try to put everything into them that a landscape scene would require.  At $10 for a gallon freezer bag of several colors, the fiber packs are very popular.  I just sent out five to a spinner in New Hampshire who likes to spin multi-color yarn.  The sun is shining and everybody is waiting for me to go out and feed/water them.  The critters come first, then the fibery fun.

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