Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Snug and Cozy

Mama Hen and her chicks are doing nicely in the rabbit cage, high off the barn floor, with plenty of hay, foot and water and protected from the Kitty Cadre.  When I put the little ramekin of water in the cage, they all drank and drank until it was dry.  Who knows how many weeks Mom had gone without water while waiting for those eggs to hatch.  The weather is gray and windy, threatening rain but not really coming through with it.  Too bad, as the ground is parched and a drought looms large.  With very little snow last winter we are in bad shape for water.  My underground springs are still bubbling up through the ground, but I don't think that will last for long.  The winter before we had 12 feet.  Don't know if we even had a foot.  Not good for the hay growing season ahead.  We are so spoiled with water in upstate New York.  When the rest of the country is dry we are usually swimming in ponds and basking in waterfalls.  Might not be that way this summer.

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