Friday, April 13, 2012

A Little Sunshine

Mia came to visit me for a couple of days and truly made my "vacation."  We drove to Hamilton yesterday to hand in my farmer's market registration, due by 4 PM.  Mia treated us to a delicious and nutritious lunch at Hamilton Whole Foods.  Yes, Mia keeps me on the straight and narrow path to health and success.  She is my biggest fan and supporter.  With this flu-like syndrome I've been plagued with all week, my plans to get all kinds of things done has not exactly panned out.  With Mia here, the week is saved.  She helped me get the Rosemary soap cut up and out to cure, and runs the doggies up the big hill every few hours just for the fun of it.  Mia loves the farm.  I mean, she really LOVES the farm.   Mia is starting her new job with the surgical group on the 30th.  For the first time in many years she will have weekends and holidays off.  What joy!  We're catching up on all kinds of news about girlfriends and hospital stuff.  We pushed the sofas together so we could watch Dragon Tattoo movies in Swedish with English subtitles late into the night.  Today we're working on soap, doing barn chores, and setting out more wool to dry outside.  Yes, it's a beautiful day and I'm trying to ignore the fact that a serious drought situation is happening here.  I'm not going to worry about that now because my darling daughter is here to keep me company for a few more hours.  Life is good.

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