Thursday, March 01, 2012

Snow Day

Well, it's not quite a snow day, but I'm making it one.  My school takes students from seven surrounding districts and they all have to close in order for us to have a snow day.  All but ONE district shut down today.  None of my students are there.  I was all set to go anyway and do some prep work and organizing, which could be fun on a day like this.  I did the barn chores, washed up and got dressed, all the time hoping to hear the news that every teacher lives for, but no luck.  I even called the school to make sure.  Okay, I'm going I thought, UNTIL I walked down to the road.  Brookfield School is closed so the plow hasn't come by.  I only have the Saturn to drive, which is about two inches off the road, with no Maggie is staying put.  The doggies have already gone into hibernation, but they'll wake up as I get busy around here.  I had fun with Sadie this morning.  She kept putting her little paws on the rim of the big claw foot bath tub as I was bathing.   After many big wet kisses, I decided to pull her into the tub with me.  I think it might have been a little warm for her, but she didn't complain as I gave her a thorough washing with Patchouli soap.  What fun...

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