Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday Night

Late after school figuring out what to do with this new class I have to take over starting tomorrow.  Second time in five years I've been yanked to do something else.  One has to be thankful for a job at all.  Trying to keep a positive attitude.  I'll get a handle on this job, get comfortable, and they will yank me again.  Had hoped to be in a good groove by this time in my "career."  Oh well.   In from chores at 8:30.   Very windy with no moon or stars tonight.  Had hoped to see the line-up of the five planets - Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.  Maybe tomorrow night.  The barn shook and creaked when I was up in the dark, haunted hay mow.  Got my bales and climbed down as fast as I could.  Got chores done in 90 minutes, but missed the Oscar report I was hoping to see.  I had fallen asleep in the middle of it last night.  Love to see the gowns on the glamorous actors.   Glad I put a chicken in the oven before going out to the sheep.  Such a luxury to drag my butt in from chores and smell dinner ready for me.  That hasn't happened since my mother died 14 years ago.  I'm worried about Vicky, Valentine's mother.  She is not drinking her water and looks glassy eyed to me.  She munched a little on her cracked corn and second cut hay.  I put a new water container in the pen just in case it was the bucket she didn't like.  I offered her some cut-up apples slices.  No good.  Lilly smelled the apple and tried to fit her nose into Vicky's pen to get at it.  I got in the pen and made her drink some watered down Nutri-Drench.   While I had a hold on her I gave her a shot of LA-200 in case there is some pathology going on.  Little Valentine looks good, but with mom not drinking any water she won't have much milk for him.  I'll make her drink more water mixed with molasses in the morning.   I need to do more preparation for tomorrow but I'm so tired I might lie down now and set the alarm to get up very early.   

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