Sunday, February 19, 2012


Sadie is growing so fast.  She weighs 11  pounds now and is very happy and healthy.  The puppy teeth are not quite as sharp but the urge to chew is just as strong.  Sadie loves to play with her mom, Reba. They run circles around the apartment, knocking over my spinning wheel and tearing out electric outlets.  I have to keep Sadie on a leash outside as she will follow the other dogs up the hill out of sight.  I took her up there yesterday before the snow came and she pulled me all the way.  Sadie is a true hound dog, nose down, on the trail of whatever she picks up.   Reba is content to relax with her favorite person in the world - Matt Redmond.  I think her owner was a man.  Reba lives for Matt to come on weekends and goes crazy when she sees him.  I wonder if we'll ever know where Reba came from.  The vet's office says pregnant dogs are often abandoned around here.  How sad, what a pity - all that love thrown away....and how tragic that someone might feel that desperate that he has to abandon a loyal companion.

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