Sunday, February 19, 2012


We had a pretty little snowfall yesterday, the kind that keeps you looking out the window at the pristine beauty of it.  I have one big, beautiful "Rockefeller Center" pine tree out my living room window.   It had boughs all the way to the ground when I first moved in here, but the sheep, goats and llamas all trimmed it up a bit.  I wish I had a few scattered around the pasture for shade, but this is it.  There are several mashed up against the little farmhouse next door, dwarfing it and threatening to flatten it at any moment.  I marvel at people's shortsightedness when they do that, but here we are.  I'm so glad I have mine.  Matt got out his little Ford 8N and plowed the driveways.  His new toy started right up and is working well for light plowing.  We are hoping to get a mower for it so I can knick all those annoying  thistles before they come up in the spring, and keep the fields tidy.  Sheep and goats wander around eating what they like best and leaving weeds and sticks standing.  An occasional mowing picks up where they leave off, or, I should say, knocks down where they leave up.

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