Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Totes

My lost camera has been found - under the sofa.  Sweeping and mopping not only makes my local pine floor look so pretty - it also brings hidden treasures out from hiding.  I've been sewing lately and new Bundaflicka totes are hanging from the rafters once again.  I took a cue from the talented and creative Kimmie Cornerstone and made some goat horn buttons.  I think they compliment this bag nicely.    It feels good to be sewing again.  It really grounds me, kind of like barn chores.  I cut out several bags yesterday and look forward to putting them together.  Tomorrow I have to, I mean I really have to, start making some soap.  Way behind on it.  A place for it to cure is a problem, as the curing rack is covered with sewing paraphernalia.   Challenges, challenges.  I just can't seem to make enough working space for what I need to do.  Mia said, Mommy, my friends think you have a factory!  Dream on...


  1. Beautiful tote!!! And the button suits it wonderfully :)
    Glad the camera has been found before Sadie played with it!
    Kim and the crew

  2. I think the goat horn buttons are a very nice finish to a lovely bag. Yes, you're soap is special and you absolutely should make some more. Suzy


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