Friday, February 17, 2012


Home today for the start of the President's Day break.  Don't have to go back until Wednesday.  I love that part of the education field.  Just when you think the thread you are hanging by is going to pop you get a few days off.  People think we are so pampered, but I'd like those critics to try doing what I do for a day or two.  They would be jumping out the windows.  I'm still in my jammies and it's almost nine o'clock - how decadent.  Ofcourse my jammies are not the suburban housewife jammies I used to wear.  The flannels I have on now have to double as outdoor clothes, or something I could wear while herding animals out of a burning barn.  I have a lot on deck for today, too much to fathom really, but I'm going to take it one step at a time.  Kitchen will be first, then Kitty City - the room adjacent to the apartment, then some clothing organization.  I have one closet rack now, no wise-cracks here, but it's not enough to hold the mountains of clothes I rescued from the opportunistic possums in the tractor shed.  We are having a very mild winter but I'm trying to wear all my beautiful sweaters before putting them away for the anticipated early spring.  I may have a 20,000 square foot barn, but there is not much storage space protected from animals.  Everything has to be put in protective tubs or I will have another possum debacle.  I have fiber to pick, sort, wash and dye.  I have several batches of soap on deck.  I have a beautiful Bundaflicka tote on the machine right now that I will finish before I attack any of the above.  Gosh, this bag is gorgeous.  I ordered the fabric cheap online and took a chance.  It may look good on the thumbnail but you never really know how it's going to feel or behave on the machine.  I happened to have the perfect lining fabric, too.  I'd love to attach the picture of this lovely tote but my camera is lost somewhere in the Bermuda triangle that is this apartment.  I hope when I start cleaning that it will surface.  One can only live and hope.  In the meantime I might have another cup of French Roast, and make myself some more toast.  I had a plate of delicious whole wheat with raspberry jam (from the famous Sauquoit berries sold at the Hamilton market) behind me on the sewing machine.  I turned to type something and when I turned back Miss Sneaky Sadie had climbed up on the sofa and made hasty work of my toast.  I call her Crouching Tiger Hidden Sadie now.  I should call her Wormy Sadie as she is full of worms.  I stopped at New Berlin Veterinary on the way home from work yesterday to pick up some Advantage Pour-On for the dogs and asked about worming.  They told me the correct dose for Ivomec in dogs - one tenth CC for every ten pounds sub-C.  I have to figure out a way to weigh Sadie and find a new needle.  No creepy critters living inside my Sadie, thank you very much!

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