Tuesday, February 07, 2012


The full moon, or "Wolf Moon," is so incredibly beautiful on my farm tonight.  It's nine at night but bright as day outside.  I love to walk around the farm on a night like this.  I can't believe how a place can be so breathtaking in beauty and solitude.   I  have to find some better hay.  This recent load of first cut hay is all sticks and my sheep are miserable.  I can't believe Loren even brought it home.  That's the last time I have someone else pick up hay for me.  My new hay feeders are filled with garbage.  Good thing the sheep have such a good fat layer on them or I'd worry about them dropping dead.  I won't have an easy time of it.  This is the time of year when most people have run out or are trying to eek by until spring.  I'll figure out something.  One more walk in the moonlight and I'll lock the dogs in with the sheep then come in and sew.  Funny, sewing is the most comforting activity I do.  It's my favorite power tool.

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