Monday, February 06, 2012

Home Again

I was determined to make the little buggers pay for the horrible day we had on Friday, but Friday was a million miles away and I have this amazing ability to block out trauma.   Then a step-dad dropped off three pizzas and an X-Box game system so the kids could celebrate the Giant's Super Bowl victory.  I had to go along with it.  We had a lot of fun in the gym on the rock wall.  One of my kids got to the top and rang the bell - a big deal.  I'm determined to get up to the ceiling - 30 feet - and ring the bell before the year is out.  I'll have to get someone to take a picture.   I'll ask Mr. Potter to belay me, he's the only one I trust, and he's definitely big enough to counter my weight if I fall off the wall.  It looks like so much fun.  Worried about my little lamb Gabriel.  He's off his feed after the shearing.  Matt put the four lambs in the milk room while the shearing was going on and it was very traumatic for them.  Joseph and Gabriel, Lilly's lambs, are still on bottles and Gabriel won't take his bottle.  I am pushing Sheep Nutri Drench and making him swallow his milk replacer with a big syringe so he doesn't go completely down on me.  Something else to worry about that I don't need.  The sunshine is so lovely and brilliant today, making me hope for an early spring.  Wouldn't it be nice.  One can only live and hope...I got a good sleep last night.  Little Sadie is the cutest bed partner.  She curls up on my shoulder like a cat, with Izzy up against my belly and Reba on my feet - a perfect three dog night.  Cold temps at night this week.  I thought I would come home to find the sheep sitting out in the sun but they are staying in the barn.  I have to have another shearing but it might wait a few weeks until I can get the gang together again.  I know the sheep don't mind keeping their wool for now...I've got the fire going and will think about getting chores done early so I can work inside.  Fur Ball this weekend.  I dropped off my Maggie's Farm gift box at the Chenango SPCA and said hello to Peggy Finnegan, Colorscape Coordinator, who is also on the board of the shelter.  She and Sue, fundraising chair, seemed pleased with the basket which will be put out on the silent auction table at the Fur Ball.  Hope to see some tickets in the can.

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