Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mars in Opposition

I saw it two nights ago in the eastern sky - Mars the red planet.  Found out today it will be very red and visible tonight as it is opposite the sun now - in opposition as the astronomers say.  I think a cloud cover will obscure it tonight, unfortunately.   What a mixed bag today.  Mr. Potter was absent - he's my only aide as they took my beloved Robin away due to my low number of students, and it was touch and go all day.  The poor substitute did his best, but with my kids it's tough.  We managed to get some work done then watched Pit Boss with Shorty Rossi.  I forgot how many valuable lessons that show teaches - kindness to animals, social responsibility, tolerance of people of different ethnic backgrounds and races, and sensitivity to the handicapped.  I went to my blood donation appointment, which had to be at the end of the day as they were solidly booked by the time I called.  That's great I thought until I found out that most of the donors either didn't show up or were disqualified to donate blood.  I thought they would DQ me as my BP is up again, but they took it anyway.  It went splendidly as the technician found my one and only pipe, but at the end the hub broke and the blood covered the shoes of two women and almost got my Icelandic cardigan on the floor under the stretcher.  They apologized profusely but I was okay with it because the pint was not contaminated.  If they had to throw it away I would have been upset.  One more day and I have a nice vacation - five days off to do some work around here.  Home to some very happy dogs.  Haven't been out to the barn yet.  Might have to lie down a few minutes as I'm a little tired.  

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