Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good Boy

I hated to leave for work today and worried about little Valentine all day.  I was in a tizzy getting out of the house, combined with the fact that I didn't have time to fix the tricky driver's side door on the Blazer.  It would not close and I drove the 25 miles on curvy roads with the door swinging open.  I was able to fix it, as Matt showed me how, before I drove home.  Work was fine with many staff members wearing red but not me, which is unusual.  I'm all into red and have lots of red clothes, but today was tan cordorouy with a tan quilted LL Bean vest.  I run into the house from chores and grab whatever is on the top of the pile and clean.  Oh, well.  I rushed home to find little Valentine doing just fine.  I scooped him up and checked his belly - firm and full - and his mouth - warm and moist.  Very good signs that he is nursing and mom has milk in her one working udder.  I gave him back quickly as mom was complaining loudly that I had her baby.  Back inside to get coffee made and the fire going to take the chill out of the apartment.  There's a little rain/snow thing going on but temps are not too bad.  Very little snow this winter which has me concerned about water availability in the summer.  The massive snow melt fills the underground springs, ponds and streams.  There won't be much snow melt this year.  Garbage night tonight.  Fried duck eggs and toast for dinner I think, with Cheerios and bananas for night-night snack.  What a relief not to have to worry about babies coming in the cold night any more.  We are finished.   Five lambs this year - a nice round number.  Four white, one black.  Four rams/wethers and one cute little ewe lamb - Robin.  I'm keeping them all unless someone makes me a fantastic offer I can't refuse.  We'll see...

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