Thursday, February 02, 2012

Ground Hog Day

February 2 already.  Where does the time go?  When I review my last post it seems like ancient history, so much water flows under the bridge on a daily basis.   I met with the Postma's to get my hay debacle resolved.  They are a local dairy farm family who came to New York from the same area of New Jersey I did.  The farm they purchased near me was absorbed into the massive Agro Farma - Chobani yogurt complex.  The Postmas set up a new farm just across highway 8, closer to Columbus, and continue to raise the fabulous hay that keeps their cows milking and my sheep fat and happy.  The bales are heavy and full of grass, not sticks.   I  love working with Jim, Melody and family.   Loren is picking up some first cut to bring to me today  - a big relief to me as I put out my VERY LAST BALES to some very hungry sheep this morning.  On deck for today - a regular school day complete with gym and the rock climbing wall.  Tomorrow is our Super Bowl party which should be lots of fun.   My school is undergoing some budget cut-backs and the staff is nervous about the inevitable bumping that will take place.  I'm five years in here, but who knows what will happen.  Robin and I agreed that we will come to school until they tell us we can't, and we won't worry about it.  I can always figure out a way to hustle a buck or two, but I carry the benefits in my outfit.  As long as health care in America remains something only the wealthy can afford to buy - or something the very poor will get for free - most of us have to keep working for it.  I better get some food crops planted on my farm just in case...Speaking of food, I made a big pot of cabbage soup in school, hoping to lure a certain student back in.  In the meantime, we are enjoying it ourselves.  Cabbage soup is loaded with vitamins, minerals and with all the spices I put in it your sinuses get a good flushing too.   It just might get us through six more weeks of winter.

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