Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lovely Weather

I let the sheep out to graze when I got home today.  Aside from the darkness coming so early I would have thought it was April.  Izzy helped me chase the sheep and goats out of the barn as they were perfectly happy to stay inside - the couch potatoes!  I took Sadie out with me then put her down on the grass so I could open my Poor White Gate,  only to have her shoot way up the hill with Reba.  I panicked and was only able to catch them after Reba decided to play with Sadie and roll her around a while.  I imagined them disappearing over the ridge into the wilderness, never to be seen again.  It's happened to me before.  I decided to put Sadie back inside while I photographed some Bundaflicka Totes to list on my Etsy site - www.bundaflicka.etsy.com. - for sale.   I just caught the light and got some decent picks.  Out to chores then sewing tonight and possibly some creme making for an order.  The air cooled down and I built a fire to make the place cozy.  


  1. This tote is wonderful!
    Glad you listing on Etsy!

  2. This is a geat tote! One of these days I am going to get around to ordering another from you!


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