Sunday, January 01, 2012

Starting Over

I like the cyclical nature of our calendar and the opportunity to flip the page on a year and start over.  I'm wary of hard-fast "resolutions" but will try to amend certain bad habits and steer myself in a better direction.  The warm weather continues here and I find myself very grateful for it.  It's much easier to endure a harsh cold winter when you can hunker down inside and keep warm.  When you have animals outside and no choice but to get out there and take care of them it's a whole other ball game.  I have a tractor on the farm now, with a blade for snow plowing, if we get any real snow this winter (that's okay - there's always next winter for snow).  I can drag dead sheep up to the dead pile with it instead of stashing them behind the barn until spring.  Implements will be hard to find for a 1946 tractor, but, hey, my tractor is paid for and didn't cost as much as a house.  I'm hoping to skirt some fleeces today, and get that pork loin dinner going  while taking down the Yule Branches (not quite a tree).  Puppies and falling needles don't mix well.  The little monkeys are running all over the place.  I feed them their ground up Rachel Ray Nutritious dog food slurry, then put them to nurse on Reba, then let them run around and do their pee/poo so they don't soil their box.  Then the babies are put to bed.  They are growing like crazy and are so happy, healthy and responsive I have no doubt they will make fabulous family dog companions.  Reba will live happily ever on Maggie's Farm.

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