Monday, January 23, 2012

Sadie and Her Bone

I gave Sadie a nick-name - "Jaws."  Her razor sharp teeth have us screaming OUCH!! when she clamps down on our fingers and toes.  I gave Sadie her own chew toy - a lovely leg of lamb for her very own.  Now she can chew to her heart's content.  I have a hard time keeping Reba, Sadie's mom, from sneaking it away and claiming it for herself.  Luckily, I have a few more available for Sadie.

1 comment:

  1. Those darn sharp baby teeth!!!!! I remember when Java was teething and started losing her baby teeth - I was so freaked out -it had been 16 years since we had a puppy in the house :)
    HUGs to all
    Kim and the crew


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