Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sadie is just the cutest thing on four paws.  When she is not sleeping, she's playing with Reba and the kitties.  When she's not playing she's looking for something to eat.  That Bloodhound nose of hers is always sniffing around for food.  Sadie quickly decided that canned food is MUCH more delicious than dry food and is willing to wait for the good stuff.  I have a couple of kitties I feed canned feed to in the bathroom (to keep the dogs from stealing it) and Sadie knows what's going on.  There's no keeping her out of the bathroom.  Sadie likes the kitties, especially the way she can hold them down with her paws and chew on their ears.  My kitties have been too nice to scratch Sadie - so far.  There's always a first time...I like to take naps with Sadie.  She sleeps on my shoulder and neck and makes the cutest little breath sounds.  There is nothing cute about those razor sharp teeth, and Sadie knows how to use them...

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