Monday, January 02, 2012

Kitty Drama

I saw some cats on top of the water heater in the milk room and shooed them away.  Somehow, unbeknownst to me, a cat took a header off the top of the water heater and became wedged, head down, in the corner of two walls.  The crying was pitiful and I was frantic.  The 80 gallon water tank is mounted as close to the corner as possible without any room to reach behind it.  I tried dropping a blanket from the top down to the cat but that was no good.  She couldn't turn around to climb up.  Matt was about to leave to go help a friend mount snow plows onto his trucks in Syracuse and was anxious to leave.  What would I do?  Luckily for me, and the kitty, he felt sorry for the cat and grudgingly disconnected all the lines.  It took half an hour to drain the water tank to make it light enough to move.  With great effort, Matt tipped the big tank back while I reached in and grabbed Kitty by the tail and yanked her free.  She, a cute little calico female, was bruised and shocky, but thrilled to be free.  I brought her inside for TLC and Matt hooked everything up again.  He tested all the lines to make sure I had water and went on his way.  Don't know what I would have done if Matt was not here, short of calling the Brookfield Fire Department.  Wouldn't that be funny - all those farmers in my milk room to free a cat from a water heater.  Farm drama...

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