Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Back to Work

Okay, quit whining and just suit up and get out there.  Snow last night, temps diving, hope the hose didn't freeze in the milk room.  I was up every two hours to stoke the fire.  Will have to  turn the thermostat on before I leave for work, first time this year.  Temps diving all day but warmer by the weekend.  I wonder if we will have the minus 20 we had last year.  I know it screws up the natural scheme of things but I can tell you I don't mind this milder weather.  Yes, I wanted a sheep farm in upstate New York but this morning I am really dragging my behind and trying to get it in gear.  I hope my students are in a good mood today.  They should be as they have a beautiful, heated, clean, well-lit building with good food to eat and people (like me) who are nice to them, care about them, teach them necessary things, play basketball with them, etc., but it doesn't always work that way.  Gotta deal.  I hate to leave the puppies - they are just sooo cute.  I let them play for a couple of hours out of the box but they've got to go back in where they are safe while I'm at work. I hope Reba gets in and feeds them sometime during the day.  She's getting pretty tired of them so she might now.  I know those pups will be very happy to see me when I get home. 

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