Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Shepherds Watch Their Flocks By Night

Our biblical shepherd scene is coming along nicely. We should be setting up the window when we come back to school from Thanksgiving break. The little felted sheep were given much consideration with Mrs. Price, my classroom aide, having the idea for sticks as legs. It was fun going outside on the school grounds to hunt for twigs with the class. We cooked a turkey in class yesterday and I've had the bones simmering all day. Won't be able to finish the soup until Monday. It should hold our kids until Christmas. I'm headed home for a five day break after a stop at the Louis Gale Feed Mill for cracked corn and egg layer feed. Wish I wasn't coming down with this cold. Not fun, but I'm due considering how many people at work are sick. Quiet at home on the farm this holiday weekend, but that's the way it usually is. I'm hoping Mia and AJ are able to come up. Matt is getting ready to head out to New Orleans for a Department of Energy conference where he is presenting "OSHA 101" to a big assembly. I have a giant pile of firewood at the end of the lane that needs to be hauled up into the barn. I need to cover some barn windows with plastic. Luckily Matt got some windows in and the big sliding doors partially closed to prevent big snow drifts from coming in. It will always be cold in the barn as it's just too gigantic to heat up, even with all the sheep and goats inside. It was the coldest night of the fall so far, with temps as cold as 15 F. around here. I was up stoking the stove twice last night and, unfortunately, couldn't get back to sleep after the 3 am fire tending. This is one girl who is dragging her behind today. It will be hot tea and the sofa for me when chores are done tonight. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


  1. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving, Maggie!

  2. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving, whoever you are!


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