Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cooking Soap on Thanksgiving

I'll be cooking soap instead of turkey today. The cold/flu/whatever-it-is still has a grip on me and I'm laying low a bit. Sister Bernadette called yesterday to ask if she could put her turkey in my oven. She was home from the convent for the holiday weekend with Sister Grace joining them today from Utica. They live in the little farmhouse with their brother, Chris,on the other side of my driveway. This magnificent barn belonged to them at one time. It was nice to have a cheery visitor on a day when the rain poured and poured. The turkey made the apartment smell terrific. I was concerned that my propane tank might be low and give out before the turkey was done. I called Norton Gas and they detoured their truck over to me and filled it up. I use my gas oven as a back-up heating source and was glad to have the tanked topped off. Sister Bernadette came to retrieve her turkey and gave me a drum-stick for dinner, which I ate with a lingonberry condiment. I toted a good bit of wood in the rain and used it all last night. Stoking this beast of a stove is going to be a beastly chore this winter. I have to get up every couple of hours to keep it going. Tough to get uninterrupted rest. Mia hopes to get here tonight with AJ coming tomorrow night. They will help me get some of the woodpile up to the barn. I also want to shear Monkey, who is bursting with her coarse black mohair. What great rugs her hair would make once I manage to get my loom up and working. I have some limpers who need catching and treating. We want to take a field trip over to Zoar Farm where the Holy Myrhhbearers Convent is located. The Orthodox Christian Sisters raise sheep and spin yarn there. I've wanted to visit their farm for a while.

Sewing Bundaflicka Totes continues for holiday sales but today I'll make soap to wash away the woes of the world. Happy Thanksgiving from Maggie's Farm to your home.


  1. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Enjoy having Mia and AJ with you. Please get some rest-I'm still feeling the effects of that cold 7 weeks into it.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Maggie, I hope you feel much better while you enjoy your children and the weekend - the wool raising/spinning Orthodox Christian Sisters sound like a wonderful visit.... Suzy


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