Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Downhill Slide to the Weekend

The weather is so lovely today. Work was a little better as both Mr. Potter and Mrs. Price were back with me. Mr. Potter wore a very spiffy Argyle sweater vest which served to cheer me up nicely. The morning was fine but as the day wore on so did the students ability to cooperate and do their work. It's a long stretch for them and us, but somehow, together, we get by. I taught one student how to knit with the little bit of bulky handspun he made on a good day. I promised him I would bring in some black worsted I found in the tractor shed to help him knit a watch cap. We'll see how that goes. One can only live and hope. I came home to walk the back field, which requires some bushwhacking through spiky hawthorn bushes and lots of scrubby growth. This is the field I hope to fence off for the goats someday. I sat on a huge outcropping of shale, left from the glacier that scraped out this valley, and surveyed my farm from a view I hardly ever take in. There won't be too many days like this. The clocks go back this weekend. I have lots to do with making product for the Earlville Opera House fundraising craft show and the Plowshares Peace Festival, my other "favorite" show in New York. No sheep there, in the crowded, hot, noisy high school gymnasium, but the mood is joyous, the crafts are amazingly phenomenal,

and the entertainment is so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    This is a phenomenal shot! Love it!


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