Monday, October 31, 2011

It's All About Attitude

Monkey has it all figured out. She doesn't let anything bother her. Monkey spends her days lying in the sun on the compost heap, soaking up all that heat from above and below. After the kind of day I had today I wish I could lie on the compost heap with her and contemplate the clouds passing overhead. How did life become so complicated?


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Hi Maggie,

    I'm with you today-lying on the compost heap and looking at the clouds.

    My favorite was going to my old elementary school and swinging to see how high I could get (and this as an adult)!


  2. Both my aides were out today. Yes, it takes three capable, experienced adults to deal with my two remaining students. Poor substitute didn't know what to do and just stayed quiet and stared at the goings on. I'm still trying to get a swing on my farm. I've wanted one for years and years. I have to figure out how to get 30 feet high to the ridge pole in the hay mow and hang the ropes. I could have a couple of monster swings in there - what fun!

  3. This girl know just how to get what she wants out of life!

  4. Sorry to hear you had a bad day-I can't imagine both aides being out-we'll hope it never happens again. Lying in the sun being warmed from above and below sounds like the cure needed after a day like you had.

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Am interested that you chose the
    Balfour Declaration for today's day
    in history. What drew you to it...
    such a contentious piece of paper?

  6. Saw the headline for your post before the picture and thought it said "It's all in the altitude." Was expecting a picture of an adventurous Angora on top of something looking down at you. So glad Monkey is smart enough to take advantage of the heat above and below!

  7. Hi, Celia. I am a Zionist and support Israel. The British hoped to control the area as it was strategically to their advantage, but we know how that turned out. It wasn't until 1948 when the UN voted to give Israel legitimate statehood that the Jewish people had cause to celebrate. They've been fighting to keep it ever since, to their peril. The Jewish people have made the desert bloom, and aren't we lucky to have them as our allies - a stable democracy in a very unstable area of the world.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!