Friday, July 01, 2011

Shearing Tomorrow

Big Jim Baldwin is coming from Freeville to shear the rest of my sheep and goats tomorrow. The weather looks good this time and we are ready to rock and roll. I have to get my meds and wormers organized today. The sheep will be locked in tonight, ready for Jim to arrive in the morning. Loren and friend will be coming to wrassle the big boys and girls for me. I do shots and worming. My sheep look great - big and fat on all this lush green pasture. I'm glad to get the wool off before the weather gets real hot again. I have to get to sorting, washing and dyeing it in preparation for fall shows. I'm waiting to hear from Dreamweaver, the local mill who is spinning some of my fiber for me. I just can't spin it all myself. I have Patchouli soap to cut up and place on the rack for curing today. Oh, won't the house smell good.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so amazed that you can wait until July to shear - here in North Texas we have to get the fiber off of our animals by the end of March, or we have some really cranky critters! Your sheep do look plump and content, and will really get frisky with the wind on their skin!

    Have a great shearing day!
    Jacob's Reward Farm
    Parker, TX


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