Friday, July 01, 2011

Barn Painting

Loren and his girlfriend helped me paint the barn last weekend. The old wood soaks up the paint like a sponge. The result is lovely. I adore the classic barn red color. Loren is a former BOCES student (the technical high school where I work). He also helps me at shearing time. Loren is a great sheep catcher and, with his heft and height, can stand over a sheep and hold it still until the shearer is ready for it. You can never have enough help at shearing time, but I manage to do it with a skeleton crew. No Kimmie & Crew from Canada, or Mia and Andrew from NJ this time, but we will get the job done. I've lost too much wool to felting and burdock on the sheep already. Wool doesn't improve on the animal. Just think how good the critters will feel when they have the wind on their bare backs.

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