Saturday, July 16, 2011

Market Day

Up early and out to the market in Hamilton. Gorgeous day and the ride over there was lovely. Passed one car in seventeen miles of rolling hills, farms and calendar views. I brought a fan to plug into the lamp post in my spot and was glad I did. Luke slept under the table for three solid hours. We only saw one little booted leg sticking out from under the tablecloth covering him. Hannah looked lovely in the dress I asked her to wear. I know she drew people into the booth. She bought some roses from the flower people and displayed them around the soap. We got blueberries and ate them all day long, along with a delicious lunch from the Holy Smokes barbeque chicken vendor. Hannah loves the market and, when she wasn't working the booth, did some serious shopping. We took our earnings to the grocery store and motored home. I worked on my farm sign a while with the kidlets chilling on the sofas. Beasty Boy spent several hours working on the intractable clog in the kitchen sink pipes due to my manufacture of Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme. I was hoping it was from all the bacon and pork chops I cook, but no, it was the beeswax and somehow that was worse. He had to remove the wall behind the sink and when the clog could not be dislodged with water and snaking he was forced to cut out a section of pipe. Yep, it was beeswax forming a hard plug. Much drama on the farm. Guess who is banished to making soap and creme in the very unpleasant milk room (where the bulk tank used to be). I will have to spend a day or two cleaning it out and getting organized. That is where I do my washing and dyeing of wool. At least I won't sabotage the kitchen again. While the fur was flying we took a hike up into the apple orchard under the piney ridge, near the hidden pond. We picked wild mint for Hannah to make tea and played in the giant mud puddle which is inhabited with hundreds of baby frogs. This is where the sheep and goats get a drink from the spring fed "pond" when they don't want to climb all the way up to the pond. The air was cool and lovely. We marvelled at the thousands of tiny green apples that are on the apple trees. Won't the sheep love it when they drop! Back inside the hot apartment for Luke's favorite - hot dogs and beans. Two days with no functioning kitchen sink left me with quite the mountain of catch-up work for tomorrow. Better get up and do it early as we are in for a scorcher. I will definitely hit the pond with the kidlets tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family! I have been following your blog for close to two years now and am always looking forward to your new postings.


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