Friday, July 15, 2011

Farm Sign Progress

My farm sign is coming along slowly. I learned the hard way not to paint before nightfall, even on a warm, breezy day. It took me two hours to touch up the smudges from kitty kats when the paint didn't dry. Yesterday I got all the stencils lined up, taped down due to the brisk breeze blowing, and spent a good deal of time painting the letters. I thought I could paint over the empty spaces on the letters I cut out, but they leaked under the paper and had to be repaired. I started tracing the letters instead, then painting them in. I took a couple of hours this morning while the kidlets were sleeping to paint Brookfield, NY. Technically, I live in West Edmeston (some British officer from colonial times). When I bought the place I was told this is Brookfield and I like it that way. When I say Edmeston people think I live in Canada. To have a Brookfield post office I have to drive three miles into the village. Nothing is easy. The entire surrounding area is Brookfield Township so I am correct in painting on my sign. I want a sheep picture in the center of the sign and asked Hannah to practice drawing a sheep for me. She is a talented artist and it would give me a thrill for her to have a part in the design of my sign. Don't think she is interested but I will try to nudge her. I have to paint letters on the other side of the sign, which should go easier now I know the spacing, etc. I like the little vines going around the edge, which is about the only thing I can paint freehand. Oh, how I would love to take painting lessons. Add that to the list...

1 comment:

  1. That looks awesome!!! Great job you guys!
    Kim and crew


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