Friday, June 03, 2011

Still Cool and Lovely

It's so cool I wonder if the farmers will get all this lovely hay dried? There are fields and fields with row after row of cut hay waiting to be baled. I wore my wool tweed jacket home and put on long sleeves and a sweater vest for chores. I stayed late to do my NY State required Autism workshop requirement. I somehow missed the closest class down in Binghamtom which was given in May, and was scrambling to find another one before my Provisional Certification runs out in August. I would not be able to work in September without fulfilling the Permanent Certification requirements. As long as I have my job nobody can tell me I can't have my sheep!! After some panicky phone calls to education departments, colleges and supervisors, and plans to drive to waaaay upstate NY (but those classes were cancelled) Gretchen found an online class that would give me the certification. Whew!! I took it today after the kids left, pay fifty bucks then three hours required reading (the computer keeps track) with a 20 question test at the end. I had all this stuff at Rutgers but that was a long time ago and there were all these questions about percentages and research, diagnosis and therapy. Yada, yada, yada. Sean, my custodian friend, kept me company by stopping by my room to wave while he cleaned my floor. The cyber profs decided I passed and gave me a certificate to download, which I promptly printed out to give to administration. I was so anxious to get it in to the high-ups I asked another custodian to open an office upstairs (everybody had gone home) so I could put it in the mailbox. Finally arrived home to let the sheep out to graze, take care of lots of critters and cook dinner. Guess who is pooped? Yes, pooped in the Land of Poo. Farmer's market early tomorrow. This cool air is great for sleeping. Won't do much of it tomorrow morning. Maybe Sunday. One can only live and hope.

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