Saturday, June 04, 2011

Market Day

The sky was cloudy and gray but I set up at the market anyway. It's Colgate Alumni Weekend and traffic was brisk although sales were not. That's okay, I had a great time. My neighbor vendor, Kathy of Earth Friendly Designs, brought me some fabric for soap wrapping. She offered to sell some of it to me since she bought it by the bolt and does not want to make an infinite number of aprons with the same fabric. It's really beautiful fabric that's perfect for soap. So nice of her to share it with me. The day wore on and I told Kathy I've never seen so many people looking but not buying. Just then a woman came in the booth and said Do you know who I am? Well, I had no idea who she was and told her so. She's the secretary of the superintendent of my school district and needs a gift for a secretary who is retiring. I was very gratified to see her count out the five dollar bills that employees donated for the purchase of a Bundaflicka Tote for the lady. Very nice indeed. We had a good chat then she moved on. I might never see her again as I rarely get to the Support Services building. I'm in the trenches down below with the kids. I met some other interesting people including Peg Lewis who raises Great Pyrennees near me, and Don Newsome, retired sheep shearer who originally comes from Jersey City. Very interesting chat. I was able to spend some time with the Chieftess of the Clan of Candace, Miss Candace herself. Great to catch up with her and various goings-on in the sheep world. We are all very excited about the Central New York Fiber Producers "Animals to Art" show this coming Saturday. Lots of work to do. I hear HOT weather is coming back. Too bad as the heat is tough on animals in a tent venue. I was visited by Susanne Farrington, who picked up more wool for her felting activities. I admired the felted garments she was wearing, some made from my wool. I managed to get some spinning done, and make some new little friends who were fascinated with my spinning wheel.

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