Monday, May 02, 2011

Thank You Troops

Tonight I'm grateful for the service people who leave the comfort of their homes and families to endure hardships and deprivation, loneliness and danger, far away from everything they know and love, to protect and defend us. The last thing Osama Bin Laden saw on this earth was the barrel of a Navy Seal trained on him. The mission was a success because of the dedication of brave men and women who are always ready to keep us safe. Tonight I pray, because of this mission, that all the troops will come home from Afghanistan. OBL is dead due to intelligence work and covert operations. No longer do we need to sacrifice 19 year olds on hilly roads with hidden bombs, or send predator drones to drop bombs on civilians. Al Qaeda is all over the world. Find them and let spies and assassins do their work, because that's what they are good at. Bring the troops home.


  1. God bless and the men and women in uniform and god bless all their families who have to live with the uncertainty of what will happen to them daily!
    WE are so proud of all who have, did or will serve.
    Kim and crew
    in Canada
    where we were blessed to exercise our freedom this night with elections

  2. God Bless the Armed Forces of The United States!

    God Bless fine young men like AJ - and the wonderful American families that stand behind them - who are the best answer to the blood thirsty terrorists who can't see beyond their own hatred. Maggie, we all join you in honoring all the members of our Armed Services who are ready to sacrifice everything to keep the peace and defend our shores.


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