Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Rainy, Dark and Cool

Not cold enough for wool but it's cool and dark out there. Time to start putting away the sweaters and winter stuff. I got another Bundaflicka bag done last night, real cute and ought to sell. You never know. Tonight and tomorrow I'll start organizing and making piles to take to Maryland. Kimmie Cornerstone is coming on Thursday. I have two meetings on Thursday and will have to go to school. I'll put in for a personal day on Friday. Kim and I will drive part of the way on Thursday night, then the rest on Friday AM. Set up will take all day Friday and into the night, putting prices on things, etc. I'm next to Jenny the Potter who is coming all the way from Minnesota with her wares. The lady on the other side is a minister's wife who travels from Montana with cute little woven sheep wall hangings. Both like to barter for my soap. I love to barter - it's the underground economy, especially at sheep shows.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie - I'm a regular blog reader - I'll be at MD, too, across the road in Barn 4 - the Jacob Sheep Conservancy booth! I'll make a point to come meet you and say hi!
    Jacob's Reward Farm


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