Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Up last last night getting a new mom situated with her ewe twins. Jury is still out on her mothering skills. The tiny ewe lamb looks fine after I examined her this morning but the bigger sister is not the mom's favorite. I found her lying flat and although warm in the mouth and belly firm I saw mom give her a good butting. Not good! Sheep moms should love both twins and allow them to nurse simultaneously. I gave her a quick bottle feeding just in case. Cheap insurance! Will check on them as soon as I get home. GOOD NEWS! This morning while I was warming bottles Matt came inside and said The Old Girl had a lamb! This old girl is Harmony, Lilly's ancient mother, who is so old I doubt if she can see properly. Her ears won't even stand up any longer. I quickly got my kit together, pulled on my fleece pants and ventured out to take a look. There she was with a good size lamb under her - a girl!! We got them jugged and I milked her out. She has a good udder and milk! And she loves her baby! What a relief. I was afraid she would have a stillborn, or a lamb that was not viable, and be terribly upset. Mother and baby are doing well. I left her with a hefty flake of alfafa, something she never enjoys as the younger, stronger sheep always push her away from it, and a bucket of warm molasses water. The other sheep were trying to push in and tip the bucket to get a sip of the molasses. Had to rush away as Matt was yelling from the door IT'S QUARTER TO EIGHT!! I'm supposed to on the road at ten of eight. Like I said, running hard and scared.

1 comment:

  1. WAY to go Harmony!!!! You are a grand old dame and I know from seeing your beautiful daughter Lilly and her stunning daughter Luna that you throw wonderful ewes!
    One more sleep and then I get to see you all in person :)
    Kim and crew


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