Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting Excited

I'm drinking a strong, hot cuppa Joe before packing to go to my baby girl's wedding. I played the tape of the song Perry Balin will sing at the ceremony and the waterworks started up big time. Perry, Mia and AJ's classmate at B'Nai Or Nursery School 28 years ago, is a cabaret singer in NYC. She graciously agreed to sing at Mia's wedding. Perry suggested two songs, The Rose by Bette Midler and this one, and Irish ballad chosen by Barbra Streisand to sing at her own wedding to James Brolin. I picked the Irish ballad and, if I'm correct, there won't be a dry eye in the place (which is why I'm not going to try and wear contacts). I'll see people and kinfolk I haven't seen in decades. It's tough to leave the farm but my faithful Canadian friends are coming - Darryl, Kim, Jared and Lindsay, from Kingston, Ontario. Kim is my fiber friend/partner who does shows with me all over creation. She wants her own farm someday but for now has a bunny business out of her house in Kingston. When Kim and Crew comes I feel like a platoon of Mounties is landing. That's about what it takes to run this crazy place. With at least five bottle babies, two in jugs and maybe five more sheep to deliver, Kim will have her hands full. I can't possibly do all I would like to do to prepare for them, but I'll do what I can. I have to sew the hem on Mia's Kinsale cape and sew the Nordic pewter clasps on when I get to New Jersey. Still no shoes, or panty hose, or dressy dainties. The lambs come first. I'll try to hit a mall on the way to NJ. I better get busy.

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