Saturday, January 08, 2011

Monkey is Close

Monkey (also known as Velvet - Celeste's daughter) is acting very strangely. She is not butting the other goats out of the way when I give out a corn treat, and she is keeping to herself in Thor's corner by the woodpile. Thor loves Monkey and does not tolerate any other animal near his bed or his dish. Monkey can eat Thor's kibble out of his dish and he stands by and watches with adoring eyes. I saw him kill a poor kitty who approached his dish. I pray she does not have twins again this year. She is a twin who was rejected by her mother and last year Monkey rejected one of her own twins (Billy Goat). I'm excited about my lambs, but angora goat babies are even cuter and much easier to cuddle. Bluefaced Leicester lambs are all legs and don't have the curly locks angora kids have, but they survive the cold much better. Angora goats are really desert animals, and do well in hot climates - that's why you find so many of them in Texas. I have sweaters ready to go. The lamb sweaters that have been washed so many times they shrunk and felted are saved for goat newborns.

1 comment:

  1. She looks ready to explode!!!! Poor Monkey. Good thing she's got Thor to look out for her though and keep watch for her :)
    Kim and crew


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