Saturday, January 08, 2011

Head, Hands and *&^% Covered with Nifty Gear

Today I received a very timely package from my friend Henya of Chicken She knitted a pair of ribbed hand warmers for me, which I knew were coming, but there was another surprise. She included a fabulous hat with a face warmer attached! I can pull it over my face and breathe through a mouth hole, or pull it under my chin and it becomes a neck warmer. How brilliant! The hand warmers with bare fingers come in very handy in the barn when I have to tie or untie knots or open cages. I can also nurse out new mom's tender teats without taking my gloves off and losing them in the hay. Thank you, thank you Henya! I also received two set of lovely stitch markers from Henya, one with sheep and one with breast cancer pink bows. I look forward to using them as Libby Llop is going to teach me how to design my own Gansey sweater! I will surely them to count and mark stitches while knitting a Gansey. Libby also presented me with a nifty wool neck warmer, knitted from my own fiber! It matches the hat Kimmie Cornerstone spun and knitted for me from my own Rambouillet sheep wool. I will get through this winter just fine thanks to all my dear friends who make sure I am suited up with the right gear. Mia and Andrew bought me black fleece ski pants, which I wear ALL the time and even sleep in during lambing, and Matt bought me Muck boots for Christmas. I may not have a barn full of hay, but one can always live and hope for next year.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you like your new weatherprof gear.
    Good luck with the sweater!


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