Monday, January 31, 2011

Monkey in the Doghouse

I'm very upset with Monkey. I was delighted when I got home from work and saw a tiny baby standing next to Monkey. She was standing on a patch of hay near Thor's bed and the woodpile. My joy turned to dismay when I found a twin, a red doe kid, dead and cold on the concrete. Monkey doesn't like twins. I was a able to rescue Billy Goat when Monkey rejected him last year, but then it was night time and I was home. I was afraid this would happen. Monkey knows I am mad at her. I took the baby into a pen with Monkey trotting behind me, and did clip, dip and strip. I confess I was a bit rough with Monkey while nursing out her colostrum, but not as rough as she tried to be with me. She fought me while I leaned her against the wall and did her best to escape. This is so Monkey. I managed to get a cup full from one teat but reaching farther over to the other teat didn't happen. She's a real scrapper when she wants to be. I know I'll forgive Monkey eventually for killing her little girl. She probably ignored it and let it freeze there on the concrete. I can hardly stand to think about it. I have to tell myself that Monkey's mother, the beautiful Celeste, who I paid a lot of money for and just adored, rejected Monkey in favor of another twin, too. Maybe Monkey's little goat brain tells her to do the same thing to her own second baby. Oh, Monkey, you are a monkey.

1 comment:

  1. Oh bad monkey!!!! Her survivor baby is adorable though -boy or girl?
    Kim and crew!


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