Monday, January 31, 2011

Babies Doing Fine

36 F. in the barn this morning. 0 F. outside. Not too bad. Big storm coming, hoping school will be out on Wednesday. Too early to start getting excited. Little Brad and Angelina are doing fine. A yearling goat buck, Billy Goat's brother, and Daphne, Dolly's ewe lamb from last year, jumped in the jug with the new goat family, quite a feat. It's happened several times so I decided to leave them in there. Mom doesn't see to mind too much and I don't want them to jump back in and possibly jump on Brad or Angelina. Brad slipped his sweater, it was a little big, so I put a smaller crocheted sweater on him. The rows of double crochets hold on to the baby even better. Oh, they are so cute I can hardly stand to leave them...but I know there will be more. I wonder how Libby is doing out there in Rochester. She' so lucky to have her hubby vet and big strong sons home all the time. Matt is heading out to Rochester also. We gave Sombra her last shots this morning, as I will never be able to hold on to her long enough for shots. I've tried that running injection thing before - not easy! Sombra is improving little by little. I'm very hopeful. Gotta jet!

1 comment:

  1. You're babies are sooo cute!! Loved the one black and the other white. Missing having babies around. Keep warm!!


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