Thursday, January 27, 2011

Finally - Lambs to Love!

Matt came running back inside saying We've Got Lambs! There they were, all cleaned up, one white, one black, curled up against a white ewe on the hay. I took pictures while Matt put fresh hay in the jugs (sheep lingo for lambing pens). Knowing that we both had to leave for work I had to get these lambs situated. I picked up the lambs and did my backwards walk, keeping the lambs in front of mom's nose. Low and behold, two moms followed me. I realized I either had two births, or an extra wanna-be mom trying to claim a baby. I got a sweater on the smaller black ewe-lamb, and had to find a bigger sweater for the large ram-lamb. I did my clipping of the cord with scissors dipped in iodine, dipped the stumps with the same iodine, and got ready to collect colostrum. I gently leaned the first ewe against the wall of the pen, and reached under for the teat. I use my chest to hold the ewe still while holding the jar under the teat and squeeze out the waxy plug, hoping the colostrum would follow. First ewe had just a few drops of clear liquid. Second ewe had plenty of colostrum, which I collected and gave to both babies with a 3 cc syringe barrel. I love the way they get woozy and sleepy after the sweaters are put on and the bellies full with delicious, gooey fluid. They must feel like they are back in the womb again. I took a minute to sit on the hay and smooch with them, savoring the moment. I confess I shed a tear or two after the sheep difficulty of the last few days. I finally had my lambs to love, and burrowed my face into the little necks that smell so good from their mother's washing. It was tough to leave them to come to work. I trust the moms to feed them, but am satisfied to know I got a belly full of antibodies in them before I left. To say I will rush home after work today is an understatement!


  1. Conga Rats, finally something that went right. Hope everything else goes as smoothly.

  2. Enjoy Enjoy and Hooooray!!!! Lovely lambies :)


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