Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Balmy 26 F.

26 F. here in the wee hours. How wonderful. Everything in life is relative. 26 is warm after 20 below. Back to school this morning. The order and structure of school will seem so surreal after the events of yesterday. Never a dull moment in farming. No babies in the barn, live or dead, which is okay. I need to see my friends, who are very nice to me despite the fact I know they think I'm crazy. That's okay, teachers are often quirky and "different." The education field nurtures diversity and quirkiness (a nice word for weirdness). I'm getting dressed up today, something I've enjoyed lately. I've worn jeans to work for five years. I forgot how much I love clothes, and used to dress up for work in New Jersey, but when I moved to the farm and lived in the little trailer for a year....well, things went downhill. I still don't have a closet in my apartment so my clothes are in piles. I hung so many things on my bedpost it broke. I've been trying to talk Beastie Boy, the former Master Builder, into building me a closet. He informed me "I'm not a carpenter anymore." I think of saying, "I'm not a cook anymore," but I like to eat, too, so that doesn't carry any weight - well, yes it does but here we are. Better get this show on the road.

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