Sunday, October 03, 2010

Where to Start?

Up until 1 am trying to find a sewing machine that will sew through the latest wonderful fabric from Carol Crayonbox. "Gift" machines are not always gifts. They can be more trouble than they are worth. I reeeeally need a heavy duty industrial sewing machine to sew through some of these luxurious, thick fabrics. I don't have time to waste on fiddling with dials, replacing needles and rethreading into the wee hours.

Three batches of soap to cut up today - Cinnamon Leaf, Almond and Gingerberry. Oh, won't my head be spinning with lovely aromas. All three seemed to set up okay, something every soaper appreciates and never takes for granted. Soapmaking is a chemistry experiment that can go horribly awry if you are not careful. The ingredients are SOOOOOO expensive and a failed batch is a real tragedy. When a batch reaches "trace," pours smoothly and sets up (hardens) successfully it is very satisfying indeed.

The Maggie Cave is getting a bit weird. I just don't have enough space to spread out and get organized. I need a separate craft space away from where I sleep and eat. I live in a 20,000 square foot building and do most of my work and living in 1,000 of it. Have to figure out a way to get more heated work space into this beautiful, old, funky, classy barn. Almost 8 am, scandalously late for me to be in jammies. I know - drink some strong coffee and ponder all this. Miracles do happen. Just the fact that I got myself to this place is one of them.

Birthday is over for another year. I've been ruminating on why I am so needy and vulnerable on my birthday. My childhood was very, very, well - the word basic comes to mind...but my mother would always make a big deal out of my birthday. I always had a cake, most years she would make a German Chocolate Cake, sifting the fancy cake flour and melting baking chocolate bars. The three layer cake would be dripping with sweet, buttery pecan/coconut icing. She shipped me one last birthday cake from Georgia before she died, and I made it last five years - taking it out of the freezer to have a ceremonial bite or two every birthday until it was gone. I miss my mother.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you about birthdays. Probably for the same reason.
    Ia really hoping for a 4 bedroom apartment in Israel. I really need a spare room as my workshop. It gets really crazy with yarn and beads. But if I want to start melting metal and playing with caustic chemicals - I need a room I can lock away from little kids.


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