Sunday, October 03, 2010

Good Night Stars

Just took the garbage out and did my nightly star gazing. These cool nights give the sky more clarity and the Milky Way is a soft white streak across the sky. I lived most of my life in a place where the stars were always obscured by light pollution. Not here in New York. The colder the weather gets, the brighter the stars. I made Matt his going away hot home-made meal of kielbasi, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. He'll be staying at some **** hotel in Atlanta all week eating fancied up food. I'll be eating my Four C Soup - Chicken, Carrots, Cauliflower and Cabbage. Hmmmm, good. I bought the ingredients at the farmer's market yesterday and now have enough soup to last for a month. Have to get up earlier in the morning to put it all away before work. I'm down a microwave - no, the exploding Pyrex dish of beeswax didn't kill it but the coconut oil I was melting did. I had peeled away the foil strip under the screw top before putting it in the oven but the tiny remaining bit of foil was enough to start a fire and poof, no microwave anymore. I'm also out a camera. I guess carrying it around in my sports bra was not healthy for the camera. Either too much sweating or a sheep or goat horns or maybe when we were chasing the escaped pigs through the mud, I don't know!! I'm hard on cameras! It's the worst time of year to be out a camera as the foliage is drop-dead gorgeous everywhere you look. Maybe I can borrow a camera from school, we'll see. It's nighty-night for me, I'm bushed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! You are hard on small electronics! I guess I am not alone in that.
    The sunset looks amaizing, have not seen one like that since I moved to Brooklyn.


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