Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Morning Dark and Cold

I wake up with a start even on Sunday, the glorious day when I don't have to rush out of here. Winter is bearing down and I expect snow any time. It's dark, cold and rainy out there, but nothing like what will happen in a month or two. I remember the first time we came up here in the winter after buying the farm. We got out of the truck and felt the howling wind that rushes through the little valley and made our jeans feel like frozen tissue paper on our legs. We jumped back in the truck. A taste of things to come, I was to spend the next winter in a little tin can RV while Matt continued to work in NJ. We put the RV on the downhill side of the barn to protect it from the wind, but the cold was unbelievable. Now we are used to it, as people tend to be because humans are resilient like that. I'm lucky as I have a dozen little projects going all the time, and a wood stove that makes the apartment too hot, and a gas range that can double as a heat source when the downdrafts become too much to bear. I'm making a special breakfast this morning - lox, red onion and creme cheese on poppy seed bagels - reminiscent of life in New Jersey. Garf's deli in Norwich offers this delicacy but I'm not driving anywhere on this Sabbath day when I may have to work all day but at least I can stay HOME.

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