Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh, the Veggies!

Ron the Vegetable Guy across from me at the Farmer's Market, had a Mother Load of broccoli, cauliflower and cabbages again today. By the time I got around to buying some the purple cauliflower was gone, but he gave me a terrific deal on all three and a 50 pound bag of "cull" potatoes for only $10. Lots of veggie soup for us this winter. I told Matt I didn't want to hear a word of complaint. The weather was cold, damp and gray but there was some traffic due to Parents Weekend at Colgate. I heard that Bubba was in town last night and drew a crowd of 5,000 at the university. Would have loved to hear him speak. Yes, there are some Democrats around here. I was starting to worry...We hoped on over to Price Chopper and Tractor Supply for some food shopping then headed home to unload and do chores. Tomorrow we get ready for the BIG BARN CLEAN UP starting Monday. Stan the Man and his son are coming with their trusty heavy equipment to go to work. As it is now my barn is only suitable for Hobbits to work in it. They are going to scrape off my concrete pad on the East End and get my big sliding doors to move. Hurray! I'll be able to shut out the snow and cold this winter. They will spread all the black gold mixed with hay across my fields. Trouble is, what to do with the pigs, sheep and rabbits. Many logistical problems still to be worked out. We are pulling up stakes and fencing to build a paddock around the upper hay mow door. The sheep will be able to get inside out of the rain/snow but still spend time outside in the fresh air while the lower barn is being scraped clean. I'm a little tired from standing on my feet all day at the market talking nice to people. Hope to hunker down and get some rest tonight. "Why We are Afraid of the Dark" is on the History Channel, and should make for some good Halloween viewing.


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    My husband was cleaning out all the disgusting cobwebs in our barn today with a leaf blower. What the heck-it worked. The rams' pen is down and he can now welcome the ladies when the go to visit in a couple of weeks.
    I am spinning some of your roving that I picked up in Hemlock. Always nice to see you each year and reconnect. Diane

  2. Me Too! I've got almost all of the manure pack cleaned out of my sheep barns, waiting in huge piles for the big farm that rents my cropland to take it away and spread it. I also bought a load of road sand to spread on the concrete so that it won't be so damp and miserable for the sheep while the pack is rebuilding.


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