Monday, July 05, 2010

So Much Excitement

I was thrilled to have my dear friend Sherry visit with her Arab gelding, Tsorin, yesterday. Sherry was participating in a competitive trail ride on the Brookfield Trails and spent one night there camping, then moved Tsorin over to my farm. We were concerned about him being content in the sheep pen with no other horses, which is what he is used to. Not a problem. Tsorin seemed to be so enchanted with the sheep, who I let out in the field just in case, and was not at all jittery. We put up a screen to give him some protection from the relentless sunshine, but he spent most of the time out in the full sun, watching the sheep over the fence.

1 comment:

  1. Sherry11:05 PM

    I LOVE that first picture with the sun going through his tail. I never get pictures like that!


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