Monday, July 05, 2010

Safe Arrival

Hannah and Luke flew in to Albany last night and arrived right on time via Southwest Airlines. Their flight from Las Vegas was uneventful after one stop in Baltimore. Now that Hannah is 12 they fly like adults, with no ID required when picking them up. After many hugs and kisses we motored home, catching a few community fireworks displays as we drove. We caught a bite to eat and arrived at the farm around midnight. Chores still had to be done. While Hannah and Luke were saying hello to the dogs and cats I ran around and got everybody taken care of. I collapsed on the sofa with Luke, Izzy, Pip and Holly while Hannah settled down in the guest room. I last looked at the clock at 2 am. Morning came too soon with the oppressive heat and humidity, but I was happy to finally be reunited with my grandchildren.

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