Friday, July 16, 2010

On Deck

Luke just got up and I surrendered control of the remote. I got my politics/news fix, now he can have his avatar and airbender programs while I do stuff around the apartment. Hannah is still sleeping, bless her heart. I love the way children can sleep blissfully late. My eyes bolt open early, like we're under attack and I have to be ready for the assault. Oh, to be a child again, with grownups taking care of all the serious stuff. We'll stick close to the farm today, taking care of critters and getting ready for the farmer's market tomorrow. The weather report is iffy, with 30% chance of showers, but we'll head out anyway. I still have Candace's pop-up which is fairly rain-proof. Two bags are on the machine, I'll see if I can knock them out today. We washed the fabric for Mia's wedding quilt. I'll start Hannah cutting out squares. I'm going to get Luke set up to make soy wax candles and see how that goes. He's the Firemaster and loves to light candles, now he can manufacture them. I hope to get to the pond before dark tonight. Our faithful friend, Mary, has been shearing around local farms for the last few days. I need to get Big Jim Baldwin here to shear the twenty sheep I need done. If I get their wool I should have enough for fall shows. I pride myself on raising my own wool without purchasing any more for my Mother Fiber. I have some good stuff on the lambs, too. We'll take it one day at a time and see how it goes.

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